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Raiditem - New Mounts Available in Patch 7.3

  • 2017-08-29 14:27:40
  • raiditem
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  • wow mounts
  • Dungeon Difficulty and Item Level Rewards Changes in patch 7.3

Patch 7.3 is almost here. There are a bunch of new mounts from reputation, open world rares and more available in patch 7.3. Please keep in mind that the raid mounts will be obtained till Antorus releases in Patch 7.3.5. Today, let’s take a look at these new mounts and their features. Of course, you can also find a wide range of wow mounts at, the most trustworthy site to buy wow mounts & wow gold online.
Puzzler's Desire
Do you remember that you can obtain Riddler’s Mind-Worm through multiple riddles related wow chronicle Volume 1 in patch 7.2? In this new patch, there appears to be another mount that will have to be solved through puzzles or riddles called the Lucid Nightmare.

Argus Open World

There are many mounts that have been added to Argus in Patch 7.3. We've categorized most of the open world ones below, but Biletooth Gnasher's drop is listed as Argus.

Demon Killing
Bleakhoof Ruinstrider is obtained from ...And Chew Mana Buns and killing non-trivial demons in any of the three Argus zones. It's likely that you can passively get this doing world quests on Argus.

Fel-Spotted Egg
Fel-Spotted Egg can be found on rare corrupted panthara on Argus. After holding it for 5 days it will turn into Cracked Fel-Spotted Egg and have a chance to get one of 4 Mana Ray mounts and some other items.    

Mac'Aree is the second zone that will open on the second week of the Patch. A few mounts can be found from rare spawns in this zone: Maddened Chaosrunner Wrangler Kravos; Lambent Mana Ray - Venomtail Skyfin, Acid Belcher - Skreeg the Devourer, Baarut the Brisk* - Baruut the Bloodthirsty
*Toy that summons a mount

Antoran Wastes
Antoran Wastes is the third zone of Argus, but it will be open on the first week of Patch 7.3. There are two mounts that can be found from a rare spawn: Crimson Slavermaw - Blistermaw and Vile Fiend - Houndmaster Kerrax

Argussian Reach - Exalted
Hitting Exalted with Argussian Reach will allow you to buy these mounts for 10,000 gold each. New Insignias have been added that may help you increase your reputation faster: Argussian Reach Insignia, Greater Argussian Reach Insignia.

 Army of the Light - Exalted
Hitting Exalted with Army of the Light will allow you to buy the  Lightforged Warframe for a large sum of 500,000. It does look awesome, so it might be worth the investment! New Insignias have been added that may help you increase your reputation faster:  Army of the Light Insignia, Greater Army of the Light Insignia.

Army of the Light - Paragon Reputation
Patch 7.2 added Paragon Reputation and the Army of the Light reputation will be receiving Paragon Reputation as well. You will receive a  Gleaming Footlocker whenever you complete the Paragon reputation which can contain one of three mounts: Glorious Felcrusher, Blessed Felcrusher, and Avenging Felcrusher.

Darkmoon Faire
The new Darkmoon Faire mount, Darkmoon Dirigible, has finally been added for a whopping 1,000 Darkmoon Prize Ticket. Hope you've been saving up!

Fishing is getting a new mount: Pond Nettle

Raid Mounts
4 new raid mounts have been added in Patch 7.3, but they won't be available until the raid opens in Patch 7.3.5.

Mythic Argus the Unmaker
Shackled Ur'zul is the drop from Mythic Argus the Unmaker, the final boss of the Antorus Raid. The flavor text is terrifying: "Formed from the tormented bodies and souls of fallen members of the Army of the Light, the Ur'zul is both fascinating and horrifying."

Glory of the Argus Raider
 Antoran Gloomhound is the reward from completing the meta achievement Glory of the Argus Raider

Felhounds of Sargeras

The  Antoran Charhound is listed as a drop from the Felhounds of Sargeras and likely has a low drop chance similar to the  Abyss Worm from Mistress Sass'zine.

 Blood of a Titan

Kirin Tor Summoning Crystal drops from the Blood of a Titan which is a quest given after killing Argus, the Unmaker. We're not sure if there's going to be a difficulty requirement, but it was said to be similar to the  Reins of the Grove Warden mount, so it may only drop from Heroic and above.

PvP Mounts
Every season or patch, more Vicious mounts have been added to PvP vendors. The Vicious War Bear and Vicious War Bear, datamined previous to the 7.3 PTR, will now be on sale for Vicious Saddle.

Additional options were datamined during the 7.3 PTR and will likely be for sale in an upcoming patch: Vicious War Fox and  Vicious War Fox

With the Prestige cap being raised in Patch 7.3, we are likely getting another Courser as a reward. The two unused ones datamined so far are  Prestigious Royal Courser and Prestigious Midnight Courser.

More PvP Gladiator mount tints have been datamined, including this interesting fel-colored one for Demonic Gladiator's Storm Dragon.

Mystery Mounts
Earlier in the PTR cycle, two faction-themed mount spells were added, then removed, in the data: Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor. Their models were also encrypted, implying they are part of an upcoming promotion.

Divine Steed Modifications
Paladins now have the ability to modify their Divine Steed ability to match all tints of their class mount. Purchase each from the Quartermaster for 500:

     Glowing Reins of the Golden Charger /  Golden Charger's Bridle
     Heraldic Reins of the Valorous Charger /  Valorous Charger's Bridle (Holy Themed)
     Harsh Reins of the Vengeful Charger /  Vengeful Charger's Bridle (Retribution Themed)
     Stoic Reins of the Vigilant Charger /  Vigilant Charger's Bridle (Protection Themed)

Which wow mount do you expect the most in patch 7.3? At, you have access to the widest range of wow mounts and wow items for sale to help you speed up your progression during gameplay. At the same time, our team aims to provide you with the best customer service for each order. We will keep updating this part regularly to keep up with the the latest news!

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