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World of Warcraft Legion: A Few Changes to PvP Combat

  • 2016-05-24 17:24:06

The sixth expansion of World of Warcraft will arrive on August 30. According to, there are many many new changes and features coming to Legion. The new update from blizzard focus on PvP combat which will become “more accessible, balanced, and rewarding.” Buy wow gold from raiditem to make your character powerful and progress smoothly in WoW! 

 “In Legion, we’re making some pretty big changes to our PvP systems to make combat against your fellow players more accessible, balanced, and rewarding,” reads the update from Blizzard. “Some of the biggest changes we’re making are related to gear—both how it affects your character in PvP, and how it’s awarded. We want to take a bit of time to share with you more of our thoughts on how we arrived at this new PvP gear design and why we think it will create a more enjoyable experience for everyone.”

The changes to PvP combat seems to give players more of a reward for focusing on this style of fighting. WoW Gear, for example, is awarded to players for many things in the game, such as quests, and boss fights, but it really changes the way players play through the game, since they can become extremely powerful with the right gear. And you can buy wow boe gear from the safest site,!

“While a raid boss doesn’t mind when a team of players massively outgears them, it’s a frustrating experience for other players. So, our challenge has been to find a way to allow your character to become stronger through PvP without making your opponents feel like they can’t compete. On top of that, we don’t want to undermine the value of earning gear through other types of gameplay, such as raiding.”

Figuring out how to make high level gear work in a PvP focused way was tough, with many solutions attempted and rejected. The finished product uses a sort of algorithm, giving players an even base stat and then improving it based on that player’s average gear level. “Players would understand that their stats didn’t come from gear, but that the quality of their gear does matter. Currently, we’ve tuned the system such that for every point above item level 800, your stats are increased by 0.1%. This means that someone with item level 900 gear is only 10% stronger than someone with item level 800 gear.”

Except PvP combat changes, more new things will be added to World of Warcraft Legion. Just stay tuned here for more info about World of Warcraft Legion. WoW gold and wow mounts with lowest prices are for hot sale at! You can also find cheap RS gold and GW2 gold sale!

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