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WoW:Draenor Dungeon Event is Underway (May 18 - 23)

  • 2016-05-20 16:25:31

According to, Draenor Dungeon Event now is underway. You will get the reward of Valor and an Iron Fleet Treasure Chest (containing one Hellfire Citadel Heroic quality item) during this event (May 18 - 23). For this week,enemies in Heroic or Mythic WoD dungeons will award reputation with a specific WoD faction. Now buy wow gold on raiditem to help you progress faster and smoother!
Trash mobs give 20 rep each, while a boss will award 400 rep. Each dungeon awards reputation with a specific faction:

- Auchindoun & The Everbloom: Sha'tari Defense for Alliance players, Laughing Skull Orcs for Horde.

- Bloodmaul Slag Mines & Upper Blackrock Spire: Steamwheedle Preservation Society.

- Grimrail Depot, Iron Docks & Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Council of Exarchs for Alliance players, Frostwolf Orcs for Horde.

- Skyreach: Arakkoa Outcasts.

Farming these dungeons on Heroic difficulty is easier and more efficient, since you can even kill the trash and reset some of them, like The Everbloom. You can always farm other reputations in the dungeons at the same time if you are wearing a Tabard of that faction.
The weekly quest for this event is Emissary of War; it requires you to complete 4 Mythic dungeons and the rewards upon completion are 500 Valor and an Iron Fleet Treasure Chest. Mythic dungeons are slightly harder, but they are useful for farming Valor points.
After this event, there is one event remains in May, Pet Battle Bonus Event, in which your pets will earn experience at triple the usual rate. So players just prepare well for event you are interested in. If you want to know more update and events about World of Warcraft, stay tuned! At the same time, you can easily buy all the kinds of wow items like wow mounts, wow gold and wow leveling service. We guarantee you the lowest prices and fast delivery! 

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