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Elder's Lucky Coins

  • 2013-01-25 16:25:10


So those items that give you extra rolls on loot?  Yeah, they're AWESOME.  Or my guild got extremely out of control lucky.

Stone Guard dropped Holy Paladin boots and a tank neck piece.  No one used tokens because nothing looked good on the boss's loot table.

Feng dropped an agility cloak and a caster neck.  Cloak went to Rogue, I passed neck to my Mage, and used a token.  Got the chest piece from boss.  Mage used token, got chest piece from boss.  DK tank used token, got boots from boss.  Prot Paladin used token, got bracers from boss.  Rogue used token, got gold.  Warrior cried that nothing on boss table was good for him.

Gara'jol dropped caster shoulders and a fist weapon.  I passed on shoulders, Mage and Shadow Priest rolled, Mage won, passed to Priest, then me and Mage used our tokens and both of us got the shoulders anyways.  Rogue took fist weapon for Combat, then used a token and got gold.  DK tank used token and got bracers.  Not sure on other people because this was just blowing my mind.



Boss 1 = 2 pieces of loot, 0 tokens used (to my knowledge)

Boss 2 = 2 pieces of loot, 5 tokens used, 4 pieces of loot acquired (80% success rate!!!) 6 total pieces

Boss 3 = 2 pieces of loot, 4 tokens used, 3 pieces of loot acquired (75% success rate!!!) 5 total pieces


How amazing is it for all 3 casters to want the same shoulders, two of us pass, and WoW karma hands us the shoulders anyways?  We essentially killed 3 bosses (got kings to 4th phase on first attempt and quit due to time) and got 13 pieces of loot. This is an EXTREMELY quick way to get geared up fast because if your token lands on loot, you will only receive an item based on YOUR specialization and you'll acquire it immediately.  Don't save those tokens...get geared up fast!


Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for you using your coins and getting gold.  Like I said, not sure if we broke the system or if this is the trend.




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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.