
homeHome > > Fortnite Drifboard Guide - Everything You Should Know

Fortnite Drifboard Guide - Everything You Should Know

  • 2019-03-25 15:12:18
  • fortnite items
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  • fortnite power leveling

The Driftboard is a pretty fun vehicle for getting around the map, you can boost yourself in the air and traverse pretty far when doing so. You can do various tricks by holding different directions while in the air, and it's just all-around a fun way to move through the map. When you need to buy fortnite items from a reliable site, raiditem is your best choice.

In this article, raiditem will share how to use, controls, and some tips & tricks. If you've been hoping for some snowboard action in Fortnite then you are in luck! In addition, raiditem provides the cheapest fortnite accounts, 100% ensure your private information will be safe.


Here's a map of a bunch of locations where you can find Driftboards. All of the expedition locations will have them, including the ones that have a quadcrasher inside them. Any place you can find a ski rack will likely have them, there's a few of these scattered around the map. You will also find them pretty consistently at any of the lodge type buildings around the snow biome. Season 8 brings a lot of locations to the new points of interest in the north east portion of the map. Your best bet, however, is always going to be in the snow location.


Jump on these like you would with any other vehicle in Fortnite! You will need to hold the button to get off of it, but you can control it with your standard movement keys. You can boost with the default sprint key which is L-Shift on PC. Jumping requires that you hold your chosen jump key.


These are actually pretty slow if you aren't boosting it so you'll want to boost often. The positive is that the boost is pretty quick to recharge.

The boost charge is displayed on the back of the board. You can boost when it turns green. The board is not fully charged when you jump onto it, but will start charging immediately after you've attached yourself to it. If you exit the board, it will immediately lose its charge.

You can do tricks pretty much the same way you do them with any other vehicle. To do a back-flip you hold back, front-flips you hold forward, and to spin you hold left or right.

You can't build while you are on the board, which means you are going to get obliterated if anyone starts firing at you.

You can fire your weapons or use consumables while on the board. You can also loot, harvest, and revive teammates while on the board.

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