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Important Tips for Level up in Path of Exile - Raiditem

  • 2019-01-30 16:04:08
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Path of exile is really a fairly complicated game, but once you master some skills, it will be one of the most enjoyable games. However, leveling up characters is almost always a chore, and many people want to just rush through it as fast as possible. In order to speed up your leveling process, raiditem (your top option to buy poe items online) will share some tips to help players level up in this article.

If you are a newcomer to poe, it is very necessary to spend some time to experience everything in game. However, if you are a veteran or trying to speed your game process, in this poe leveling guide you will find some tips can help you level up fast. Of course, you can buy poe power leveling from a reliable and professional online game store to save your time.

First, there are a few ways to improve your general leveling process. The biggest improvement you can possibly make is to learn the many layouts that you’ll encounter. Each zone has multiple layouts so this can take a long time, but learning the general layouts will help.

Apart from layouts the biggest thing you can do to speed up your leveling is having the right items. Leveling up your first character of the league will always take significantly longer than your second, simply due to the items you find during your first run.

There are some items that are ‘optimal’ for leveling. If you need some chaos orbs and exalted orbs to help you in game, always is your best choice.

Body: Tabula Rasa. This is well known as the best leveling item in the game.

Helm: The second-best item, this will take you to maps with the massive amount of resistances it offers.

Boots: There are two options for boots. Seven-League Step is the best possible boots you can get, with a free 50% movement speed bonus. However, they are also very expensive in most leagues. Because of this, most players use Wanderlust, which only gives 20% but has the added bonus of Cannot be Frozen, which helps a lot in certain zones.

Gloves: There are a few gloves that can be good at different levels, but Lochtonial Caress are generically great for every build.

Players always find poe currency is a necessary element to help level up in path of exile, which is composed of a wide variety of poe orbs such as chaos orbs, exalted orbs, orb of fusing etc. And raiditem is the most popular poe items seller in Google, welcome to buy poe currency from our site.

Rings: A pair of crafted rings with minus flat mana cost for skills can carry six links beautifully for early levels. However, once you hit level 32 there’s not much that will beat a Thief’s Torment for any on-hit build. It provides resists and a massive amount of life on hit, making you near invulnerable.

Amulet: This one is highly contested, but I personally believe the best amulet for most builds is an Atziri’s Foible. If you’re using leveling items then you probably don’t need damage, and Atziri’s Foible makes it so that you don’t need mana or stat requirements either! The big contenders here are Karui Ward and Sacrificial Heart.

Belt: This one could be tough to find in any particular league, but the best belt you can wear is a String of Servitude with 48% to all resistances. Unless, of course, you don’t need resists, in which case use whatever!

Your weapons will obviously vary based on the build, but Lifesprigs and Redbeaks are great starting items. If you want to learn more poe guides, you can jump to raiditem news page right now. By the way, don’t hesitate to place your chaos orbs and exalted orbs orders at raiditem. We will never let you down!

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