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Blue Post Highlights: More Azerite, Timewalking, PTR Issues & More

  • 2018-09-28 17:08:32
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On official Blizzard community site, Blizzard gives replies to many different topics, like the Azerite - "Azerite - Worst Itemization in WoW's History",  "Traits are Useless & Uninteresting","Trait 'Farming'", "340 Traits Outperforming 385 Traits" and "Power Swings", reminders issues with the PTR, Timewalking nerfs and fixed, and teeming nerf. Below are some highlights of the original post. When you want to boost power and improve your gameplay experience, come to raiditem to buy WoW items & WoW gold cheap and safe!


Here are some replies to the concerns:

Worst Itemization: "Even if phrases like "Worst Itemization in WoW's History" are a bit hyperbolic"

Useless & Uninteresting Traits: "The way to solve the simming issue would be to make the traits more simplistic in nature. Similarly, making traits with more outside-the-box designs leads to more complicated questions of "is this better or not," which in turn encourages more simming."

Trait Farming: "I don't have a solve for that issue to share today, and to be completely transparent it may be something we simply have to accept as a downside to the system for other reasons."

Low-Level Traits Outperforming High-Level Traits: "With this most recent round of tuning, we think we've gotten most of the really egregious outliers dialed in, but please let us know if there are any you still feel are so good that they're worth huge sacrifices in terms of item level."

Reforging Costs: "Our intention is that you either build out multiple sets of gear for different situations, or you lean towards traits that work in a variety of roles (even if they're maybe not the absolute best for each in particular). Maybe the current system isn't achieving that, but if it isn't, we're likely to become MORE restrictive on reforging, not less."

Tuning Passes: "There's likely to still be some adjustments here and there, but we don't believe we're going to need another big wave of Azerite trait tuning like you've seen over the last few weeks."

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