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WoW: New Missions, Quests and Changes in Upcoming BfA

  • 2018-08-02 18:25:39
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Battle for Azeroth is landing in 2 weeks, and it will bring a bunch of major changes to the most popular MMORPG in the world, World of Warcraft. As one of the most trustworthy website selling WoW items and WoW gold, is here to offer you some info and discount info. Today, we are going to talk about the new content, quests, missions and more in the upcoming expansion, Battle for Azeroth.

In addition to new dungeons and new area, there will be a host of new modes coming to the 2 factions battle and conflict. Read on!


Not strictly PvP in itself, Warfronts still bring the idea of battlegrounds to a whole new scale. Pegged as “Warcraft 3 from the ground-level”, a team of players have to gather materials, build up their base, grow an army and take down the opposing team’s stronghold for control of the region.

At launch, Warfronts bring players to the hotly-contested Arathi Highlands, as Alliance and Horde duke it out over the fortified ruins of Stromgarde. However, Blizzard has confirmed that we’ll see more fronts open up before the Battle for Azeroth reaches its conclusion

Island Expeditions

A quick-fire race to collect the most Azerite sees two teams of three sail to one of Azeroth’s many uncharted islands. Expeditions can be played against another team of players, or three AI opponents of increasing difficulty.

You’ll race across the shore and explore hidden coves to collect resources through mining or – more reliably – killing monsters. As rounds go on, the situation spirals out of control. In one, for example, volcanoes erupt across the sands, spilling elementals all over and revealing a tough boss hidden beneath the battlefield.

War Campaigns

For the most part, Alliance players will stay on Kul Tiras, far apart from their Zandalar-bound Horde foes. But it’s no good building up allies while the enemy does the same unhindered, and War Campaigns give players the chance to strike at their opponents’ heart.

The mission table returns from Warlords of Draenor and Legion, this time for hiring heroes and troops to fling at your foes. But on top of that, a series of quests sees you establish footholds on enemy land, strike at their population, and eventually lay siege to either Boralus or Dazar’alor in one of BfA’s two Mythic-only dungeons

Gameplay change
As we mentioned many times, Artifact have gone. However, Blizzard seems choose another way in upgradable equipment, which is called the Heart of Azeroth. It is a shiny necklace that absorbs Azerite and makes special pieces of gear better.

Like artifacts, the Heart collects artifact power through Azerite. But instead of a dry, flat upgrade tree, increasing Heart levels unlocks the option to imbue special pieces of armour with new traits. Each piece has three tiers of upgrades, that allow you to pick from one of three special traits to gift the item.

Besides, the unique and spec-specific weapon has gone and there is a general focus on returning class identity. Older abilities have returned, active-buffing is a thing again, and roles have generally seen tinkering to improve the sense of class-fantasy.

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