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Each Class will Shine with Utility Skill in Battle for Azeroth

  • 2018-05-28 17:56:49
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One of WoW designers unveiled that they plan to give each class a moment to shine with their skill and make fight feel different depending on your group composition. In the Battle Pre-patch, let’s have a look at what every class has to offer in the expansion. When you need WoW gold and WoW mounts while playing, select Raiditem as NO.1 store to choose cheap but reliable WoW items. 

Battle for Azeroth adds utility to every class
The days of must-have buffs and debuffs are coming back — and at the high-end, having the right mix of them is going to affect raid compositions. Here are the general utility abilities you’ll find in the expansion:

- Static primary stat buffs, which are key with some classes and abilities now scaling with their primary stats (like Demon Spikes scaling with Agility).

- Debuffs for mobs and raid bosses are a straight DPS buff. Depending on your raid composition, the boss will take more damage from all magic schools (Holy, Arcane, Shadow, etc.), or from all physical attacks, or both.

- Bloodlust/Heroism and battle resurrection remain staples that every raid leader will want in their group.

- AOE stuns and other CC are amazing, even necessary in Mythic plus dungeons. In raids, there might be one encounter per expansion where they’re needed, but I can’t think of any example more recent than Cataclysm.

- Stealth is a strange utility. Druids, Rogues, and some Hunter specs provide individual Stealth while Rogues can provide group Stealth. We’ve seen stealth has powerful utility in the Mythic Dungeon Invitational, but it loses utility as the group size scales up and has not had an impact in a raid in some time.

In an early build, Rogues provided the physical damage debuff. This made sense as a utility since Rogues don’t bring much else to the raid. But giving it to Monks, a class with major role flexibility and an AOE stun, speaks to overall class populations. For whatever reason, Monks remain one of the least-played classes in the game, and this may encourage people to play a Monk in the expansion.

A note on Crowd Control
Crowd Control abilities reduce the number of mobs the group fights at one time, much like the AOE stuns mentioned above. While important in PVP and 5-man content, there are some raid encounter where Crowd Control is important — like Coven of Shivarrah in Antorus. In addition, Mythic dungeons provide a key part of gear progression for many raiders, and there is new role-agnostic content in Battle where CC will come in handy.

However, Crowd Control doesn’t provide any class distinction. Though each class brings a different flavor of Crowd Control, every class and spec has access to it as part of their kit.

More info in pre-patch can be found on Battle net. We will know exactly what will come till Battle for Azeroth comes out. Raiditem is the most professional website selling the widest range of WoW items, among which, WoW gold and WoW mounts are really popular, relying on cheap price, fast delivery and professional service. If you are one of those who want boost your power, don’t hesitate to have a try!

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