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May WoW Legion Boost Battle for Azeroth a Better Expansion

  • 2017-12-20 16:53:24
  • wow gear
  • POE Divination Card
  • wow gold

If we must make a choice about which game is the most impressive and playable over past 10 years, the answer is certainly remembered in your heart. World of Warcraft, from the primary version to the current Legion version, has gone through many tweaks. And before the Battle for Azeroth's arriving, it is necessary for to do such a review to help wow gear and legendary wow items buyers find those important occasions in the history of World of Warcraft.

The levelling content is superb. After over a decade of iterating on the basic process of going out, getting the goods and coming back for your experience, gold and items, Blizzard's quest designers are getting mighty good at it. Everything has massive stakes; nothing feels like a chore. I didn't collect a single boar gizzard, but I did slay dragons, stop demon overlords, find long-lost relics and witness the downfall of heroes and villains alike.

At its very core it even gets away from the natural mob-killing grind that the MMO often comes down to. There is so much variation in what you're doing, which characters you're controlling, why you're there and how you have to react that it is, simply, different. Within that, the stories are no longer 'Great hero shows up, saves cats from trees and goes away again with a new pair of Superior Boots'. It is still the highest of fantasy nonsense, but it is so committed to it and so willing to write out, kill off and dispense with characters new and old that it can't help but be entertaining. Things are more epic now.

Mixed up with all that is how you actually progress, with leveling itself bringing no benefits beyond moving you forward to the next challenge while actual improvements and new abilities are tied up in your artifact weapon. A new resource is spent on progressing through its nodes of various passive effects, ranging from major changes to skills or new, powerful triggers for your particular skill rotation. They’re never going to change how you actually play and overall seem under-exploited given their focus in Legion’s storyline and marketing alike, but as part of a game that has perfected the art of giving joy through watching numbers increase, they do it as well as anything else.

At the new level cap of 110, it's odd how little changes and how well that works. Between the new scaling tech keeping enemies relevant and the way that zones are structured to be more focused on exploration than quest hubs, max level simply means your gear starts to improve at a faster rate and you have more options open to you. The largest part of that, the game's biggest success story and what its future may hinge on, is world quests. These are, essentially, an infinite well of stuff to do out in the world, in groups or solo, that reward currency, gear or special items.

It just works. It is exactly what the game needed, both in terms of ever-changing content for maxed out players to devour and a way to reuse old areas, quests and designs to lighten the workload for the folks at big blue. It's also why constant, regular updates will prove the life or death of Legion even more so than making up for the massive content draughts of previous expansions.

If these new systems continue to be expanded, paired as they are with some of the game's best-ever dungeon design, a great item curve in the early going and the upcoming unlocking of two new instances, a new difficulty and the raids, Legion will be the best WoW has ever been. The same could be said, and was, of previous expansions before the onset of nothing, but the warning signs aren't there this time. Patch 7.1 will hit public testing within the next couple of weeks. Raids and Mythic+ begin before the end of the month. Blizzard are speaking and acting when it comes to providing new stuff to do.

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.