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Fans Inserted The Infamous "WoW" Soundbite from Owen Wilson

  • 2017-12-18 16:58:27
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World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. So far it has seven expansions. And the latest expansion has been named as Battle for Azeroth. Like WoW, has set our business over 10 years which witness our great achievement for wow gold selling. Now, one fan has made a World of Warcraft modification that comes as a total surprise, with the surprise being that nobody had done it yet.

The fan inserted the infamous "wow" soundbite from Owen Wilson, who routinely uses his unofficial catchphrase in many of his roles. Instead of a particular character saying it, however, Owen Wilson's infamous word replaced most of the sounds from the entire game. Fans have taken the liberty of inserting his verbal "wow" into many different mediums and scenarios, but it's hard to imagine one more appropriate than this.

World of Warcraft is commonly referred to as "WoW" by many gamers, making Blizzard's MMO and Owen Wilson's frequented word a perfect match. We haven't seen such dedication to an actor's noises since Tim Allen replaced every sound in DOOM, although this one seems much less horrifying.

The bravest of gamers can head over here to download the modification, though if one has roommates or family members nearby, headphones are probably a good idea.

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