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World of Warcraft 7.3 Update News: Fight Begins in The Legion homeworld of Argus

  • 2017-06-30 18:54:04
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The World of Warcraft Patch 7.3.0 is the third major patch to Legion, focusing on assaulting Argus, the Burning Legion's capital world. It was first announced during BlizzCon 2016. The patch was deployed on the Public Test Realm on June 28, 2017. Previously, we noted that the future wow game will be a new chapter. Thus, we also suggest you to reserve enough wow items for using.

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"Most of the new stuff in 7.3 takes place on Argus - and as you might expect, this is hostile territory. Demons patrol every crag of Argus's shattered surface, and sometimes it seems as if the planet itself is out to get you," Blizzard wrote in the PTR development notes. "This will be a very story-driven update, but we're also designing areas with sandbox elements intended to be enjoyed even after you complete the main quest, with gameplay and challenges on the planet's surface reminiscent of past endgame areas such as the Molten Front, the Isle of Thunder, and the Timeless Isle."

Players venturing to Argus will early on encounter the Vindicaar, "a vessel that will serve as your mobile base of operations," and also one of the few safe places on the new world. Argus is a no-fly zone, so the Vindicaar will also provide access to "an extensive network of teleportation hubs" that are "similar to flight paths, but without the travel time."

Argus will have three mains areas to explore, although only one of them is currently available on the PTR. The update also includes the first couple of chapters in the new storyline, and new and improved casting animations for various classes. Updated Shadow Priest animations are also in the works, but not included in this build, and some spells will "likely" have no animations at all at first.

For the uninitiated, a quick history lesson. Sargeras and the Burning Legion have repeatedly threatened Azeroth over the years, with events coming to the forefront again this expansion. Long story short, the reason many WoW fans are so excited about the Argus reveal is because the planet is the main base of Legion power and presumably the seat of Sargeras himself. If Blizzard is sending players to Argus, there's a chance the heroes of Azeroth could finally put an end to the Burning Legion once and for all.

Because of these huge implications, some fans thought that Argus would have to be its own expansion. But Hazzikostas told Polygon that Blizzard decided the current Legion expansion was the perfect fit.
In the past few years, the world of warcraft patch 7.2 created many surprises for fans. Now some players hold a view that the patch 7.3 will show us more unique stories. So just be patient and wait what will happen in the future. Also, cheap and fast wow power leveling is well-prepared on the Raiditem. We always promise you the lowest price and fastest delivery!

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