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Writhing Essence Changes,Patch 7.2.5 Hotfixes for June 22nd Tweaks

  • 2017-06-23 18:08:34
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Some Changes comes to Writhing Essences, it don't roll over when handing in the quest. Warcraft devs replied fans that “ This is due to a limitation of how quests function. We agree it isn’t an ideal design, and are investigating possible improvements.” Writhing Essence is now a currency instead of a quest time. so the excess won't be disappearing after you upgrade a legendary anymore! Here is the blue tweet from warcraftdevs. Check the latest update about the world of warcraft game as well as buy cheap wow gold at!

 “The base item level of Legion Season 4 gear is unchanged with the opening of the Tomb of Sargeras.”

“It's based on time of day on your realm, which will differ from one realm/timezone to another, but daytime is 6:30”

”You can now obliterate Legion Season 4 Battleground-quality gear for a few Echoes. Gladiator gear is worth more.”

Besides, there's also some ToS Sisters of the moon melee tweaks, some PvP fixes and more pdate in the latest round of patch 7.2.5 hotfixes. Read the original post as follow


Fixed a bug where Second Shuriken was not activating correctly.

Dungeons and Raids

Tomb of Sargeras
Sisters of the Moon can now be hit by melee attacks from farther away.

Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving credit for the quests "Torch Tossing" and "More Torch Tossing".

Player versus Player
Fixed a bug that prevented the "3v3 Weekly Quest" from properly awarding an elite gladiator item when the player had a previous week's PVP rating of 1900+.

Demonic Gateway's debuff will now show the correct duration remaining when the Warlock has the Gateway Mastery honor talent.

For “Unsettled Power”, Writhing Essences now drop as a currency, instead of a quest item. Entering your Class Hall or Dalaran will convert your existing progress to the new currency.”

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