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WoW Legion: More Hidden Items to be Discovered in Patch 7.1

  • 2016-10-17 16:06:27

According to developers Q & A, Ion Hazzikostas revealed that patch 7.1 is just around the corner, and the release date is October 25. As we reported previously, this patch focuses on the return of popular raid Karazhan retooled as a "raid-like" 5-man dungeon, Return to Karazhan is a dungeon available on Mythic difficulty and has 9 bosses. Patch 7.1 introduces a small new raid that's supposed to bring the Stormheim story to an end, and adds some new outdoor Suramar content that's part of the Nightfallen story. A long and diffcult dungeon, isn’t it? Equip yourself with enough WoW gold, wow mounts and other service to kill boss now!

Other than that, Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that there are more hidden items that the community hasn't discovered yet aside from Reins of the Long-Forgotten Hippogryph, Kosumoth the Hungering or Hidden Artifact appearances in Legion's initial Patch 7.0.

It could be something related to Shoe Shine Kit as there is a chest that periodically spawns, but can't be opened in Dalaran's Photonic Playground (44, 47) next to Sheddle Glossgleam's shoeshine seat. The chest spawns facing the wall and can't be opened.

What we know so far:
- The chest spawns at early Sundays - 00:00 realm time - and despawns after two hours.
- During these two hours Sheddle Glossgleam goes drinking in Dalaran's Legerdemain Lounge.
- A coffee presser and two coffee grinders can be used in the Lounge at all times.
- There's also an empty flower pot on the bar.
- The npc doesn't sell any other items apart from his usual inventory.
- There are no chat references that could give us any hint.
- Talking to other NPCs at the Lounge does nothing.
- His brother Shandy Glossgleam doesn't have any chat lines and is upstairs out on the balcony.

* Pick Pocket or Pick Lock don't work as the target is Friendly.
* Spectral Sight doesn't work.
* If you get the Shiny Shoes buff, the chest can't be opened and no interaction options become available.
* A similar chest to Sheddle's is near the art dealer, but you can't click it.
* Shoe Shine Kit Tracking Quest & 7.0 Dalaran - Shoe Shiner Disappear7.0 Dalaran - Shoe Shiner Disappear could be somehow tied to the whole event.

Try to kill 2 or 3 bosses a night with your best friends! This is a great choice for playing with friends. More info about Patch 7.1 will be added, so keep close here! We are offering a huge selection world of Warcraft stuff at the best site. It is great time to buy wow items and wow gold to make your character stronger!

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