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Warlords of Draenor Expansion Alive Now: Patches Notes For Nov 13

  • 2014-11-14 14:14:22

The Warlords of Draenor expansion is alive now, and Blizzard released the patches notes for Nov 13. Here are some highlights. We highly recommend you buy WoW items from our store, for our strong team help you get WoW BOE items easily!

Patche notes:

*The level cap is raised to 100.

*New dungeons unlocked, including Auchindoun, Skyreach, and Grimrail depot.

*Garrisons! Start building your otherworldly dream military base now.

*Level 91 and above can queue for MoP raid finder solo, as well as MoP scenarios, by talking to Lorewalker Fu, Lorewalker Shin, or Lorewalker Han at the Seat of Knowledge in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

*Character item levels are no longer scaled down in Proving Grounds. Creatures now scale up with the character's item level.

* Heroic dungeons now require at least one character per account to have achieved Silver or higher in Proving Grounds, for the role being selected.

The first round hotfixes:
* Back to Work / Looking for Lumber: Greatly increased the number of trees available to mark for both Horde and Alliance versions of the quest. Additionally, Lunarfall Ravens respawn much more quickly now.
* Ship Salvage / What We Need: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
* Durotan at Beastwatch in Gorgrond is now significantly tougher.

The second round hotfixes
* Dark Enemies: Increased spawn rates for Shadowmoon Voidmancer.
* [Requires a realm restart.] Gormaul Tower: (Temporary) Completion credit for the quest is automatically awarded once players reach the top of the hill.
* Toy Train Set has been temporarily disabled.

The Shadowmoon Voidmancers were one of the earliest problematic areas in the Alliance questing experience, a bottleneck that caused a severe buildup of players last night and this afternoon. And the Toy Train Set hotfix will surely be appreciated by those stuck standing near a portal or any other bottleneck location.

For more detailed information, visit the official site! Aside from latest news, don’t forget the WoW gears for sale! Click here to find wow challenge mode gold buy!



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