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World of Warcraft Legion: Patch 7.1 Introduces Nice Changes to Alts

  • 2016-10-10 17:59:39

Patch bring alts great changes relating Suramar dungeons and dealing with the World Quests. Except paying attention to the World Quests bonus events, players can also choose the WoW items and WoW mounts sale at raiditem to complete the challenge as well as obtain more rewards like WoW gold and other resources.

The changes including two aspects:
- In Patch 7.1, the Arcway & the Court of Stars will be accessible to all your alts if you unlock them on your main character.
- The reputation requirement to start the quest for both dungeons is 8,000/12,000 Honored reputation with The Nightfallen.

The second change is related to World Quests.

-You won't need to attain Friendly reputation with Legion factions on secondary characters to unlock World Quests.
- After reaching Level 110, you can go straight to Dalaran, talk to Archmage Khadgar who gives you  Flight Master's Whistle.

In addition, you can improve alt quality of life within methods below!

- Account-wide reputation, or the Mists of Pandaria reputation system; you bought a tome to increase reputation gain for your alts by a % after reaching Exalted with a faction "the regular way" on your main.
- Shared Artifact Power or Artifact Knowledge.

Are you playing an alt? Prepare to experience the new changes now! Besides, we will keep updating more info about World of Warcraft Legion like news, reviews, guides and WoW items. It is highly recommended that you buy WoW items, WOW mounts and other top quality service to improve the power of your characters! Speedy and safe delivery is guaranteed!

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Next : Obtain WoW Gold and Resources in World Quest Bonus Event



Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.