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WoW Legion: The Main Ability of Restoration Shaman

  • 2016-09-23 17:25:58

We have introduced you some basic guides for WoW Legion. The PVP season 1 started and the bosses arrived! You can choose our fast and safe wow power level 100-110 if you have not reached the max level. To help you become more powerful, here we recommend you have a better understanding of one of the most potent raid healers in Legion, Restoration Shamans. They are a part of every raid composition.They truly shine at healing when groups are clumped up. They also have a lot of damage mitigation spells in their arsenal which trivialize high amounts of incoming damage.

Strengths: Restoration Shamans provide great non-healing utility and are great for healing stacked up players. They have a sustained HPS (Healing Per Second), great damage utilizers, such as Spirit Link Totem.

Weaknesses: Restoration Shamans are really bad at healing spread up groups and they don't have any tank cooldowns. It can be said they are mediocre at target and tank healing.

What are the main abilities of Restoration Shaman? Read on!

- Chain Heal provides healing to many targets and it should be used whenever you need to heal several targets. It bounces between four players and prefers the most injured targets so it's an intelligent spell and you don't need to care about who you target with the spell.

- Healing Rain is your AoE heal and should be cast on every cooldown. It heals up to 6 targets and in raid, you shouldn't have problem targeting 6 players due to its large diameter. In dungeons, try to always cast it under melee as well as ranged. I always stand in its range with the melee behind the boss to maximize the spell's potential.

- Riptide instantly heals for a fair amount and places a HoT (Healing over Time) on the target for the next 18 seconds. It's a fairly mana-efficient spell and it triggers Tidal Waves, which is an absolute must for tank healing.

- Healing Wave is a mana-efficient healing spell with a slow cast time. The spell should be only cast when you have Tidal Waves up, it's great for sustained healing because of its low mana cost.

- Healing Surge is basically the same thing as Healing Wave when it comes to numbers, but it is a quick and expensive heal. It's inefficient and you will run out of mana quickly if you will try to spam it. The spell should be used whenever you need to get a target's health up quickly.

- Healing Stream Totem heals an injured target for 15 seconds. The totem should be up at all times. It does the healing for you.

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