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WOW Legion Expansion Invasion: Six Key Zones

  • 2016-06-28 15:55:02

How can players defend efficiently WOW Legion invasion? Players will need to have a clear understanding of the six key zones of the demonic invasion, ban together and push the demons back to their base. Actually, this is good for players, since they could obtain rewards and achievements if they win. Note that both rewards and achievements are only obtainable for pre-patch event. Want to have a great amounts of wow gold to spend on upgrading your characters within the shortest time? Buying cheap wow gold at raiditem is your best choice! 
There are 6 key zones to staging the invasion across both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms: Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris and Westfall. The easiest way to see which area is being invaded is to break out your world map; not all invasions will be up at the same time, and they all expire after a certain duration. Below you will find the quickest way to each of zones for all the players!

1.Azshara (Orgrimmar Rear Gate). Alliance players will want to either grab the portal to Mount Hyjal from Stormwind and fly next door to Azshara, or fly from Darnassus if they haven’t unlocked the portal yet. Horde players can head directly north from Orgrimmar.

2. Northern Barrens (The Crossroads) Alliance players can hop on a boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet. Horde players will just need to exit Orgrimmar and head south.

3. Tanaris (Gadgetzan). Both factions can easily travel to Gadgetzan from either the portal to the Caverns of Time within Dalaran, or using the portal to Uldum found in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and flying. If you are a Gnomish Engineer, you can cheat by using the “Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan” to teleport directly there.

4. Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill). Alliance players can head to Tarren Mill from Ironforge, or from the portal to Twilight Highlands inside Stormwind. Horde can travel there from just outside the Undercity.

5. Dun Morogh (Kharanos). Alliance players can access this invasion by heading outside from Ironforge. Horde players will want to take the portal to the Twilight Highlands from Orgrimmar and fly south-west.

6. Westfall (Sentinel Hill). Alliance players can head south of Stormwind. Horde players can either take the portal to the Blasted Lands from Orgrimmar, or the ship from Ratchet to Booty Bay.

You will be rewarded with a achievements if you defeat legion invasion for the first time. Repelling the Legion in all six of the eligible zones will grant you the much grander “Defender of Azeroth: Legion Invasions” achievement. Keep in mind that these achievements are exclusive for pre-patch event, and it will ends on August 30.

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