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WOW Legion Professions Guides

  • 2016-06-27 16:40:09

WOW Legion is about 2 month away, and Blizzard gave you a preview of what to come with pre-patch. Players are able to find some new features like class changes, the Wardroe systems and the impending Demonic Invasion events and so on. One of the most significant update is moving away from the direction taken in WOD with Garrisons. Here, we are going to give you the preview of legion professions guides. You can buy WOW gold and WOW mounts to upgrade your role fast and complete the quests faster! Get your professions ready for the arrival of WoW Legion!
While you can gather and craft Legion specific nodes and recipes from any skill level, you’ll want to get your gathering and crafting professions to at least 100, so you can unlock their respective World Quests once you hit level 110. These quests will offer you some of the rarest crafting materials in the game giving you a distinct advantage.

It’s also recommended that you pick up both a gathering and a crafting profession. While going double crafting is viable in Legion, you’ll find yourself more often starved of the rare and untradable Blood of Sargeras material than if you had a gathering profession to back you up.

Here are Some facts overall regarding Legion Professions

- The Max skill on professions in Legion is 800.

- You will not get your all your recipes from trainer directly. Instead you will do a quest chain containing many quests that rewards recipes. Basically your trainer has ideas of how to make stuff and you try them out and if it works, you get a recipe.

- Profession quests takes you all over Broken Isles and also requires to do some dungeons as well.

You need a certain level to get more quests from trainer, however, while doing the main legion questline you will bump in to profession specific quests.

- There are some lvl requirements needed to obtain a new profession quest. Level 104 seems like a level needed on all professions to continue on the quest line.

- You need to be max level to finish the profession quest line.

- You can upgrade crafted gear from 815 to a maximum of 850.

To see more updates about World of Warcraft Legion, check out other posts at You will find further information here for Legion. In the meantime, we suggest you buy wow gold, wow mounts and other in-game products at raiditem. We strive to offer full stock of gold and keep the lowest prices in the marketplace. Just feel free to contact us if you have any problem about buying wow gold!

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