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WoW: Guides for Preparing for Legion, the Next Expansion

  • 2015-10-09 17:44:34

In previous posts, we have introduced you some new features and changes in the next expansion Legion. The information the new PvP Honor system, and the upcoming Artifact Weapons and Order Halls can be found at our site. Here we are going to give you some hints for how to prepare for Legion. What’s more, you can also rest assured to buy WoW items with instant delivery!

- Leveling your character(s) to 100. This is the main thing you should focus to complete before Legion. Since the actual content of the upcoming expansion will begin at level 100, you have to get there first to enjoy it. Remember that you can use some boosts if you are leveling your alts. In your garrison there is a potion available for you that will increase the experience gains: Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning is sold in your garrison so make sure you use it if you want a little boost.

- Make some gold or buy cheap wow gold us! The methods on how to make gold in WoW are endless really. Either you are farming something for a nice profit, either you are using your professions and sell your crafts, either you are playing the auction house, or either if you are using your followers to get some nice gold rewards from your garrison missions… either way you can have a nice profit and fill up your stash for the upcoming expansion. Why do you need gold? Well, you can use it at the start of expansion to buy everything you like to give you a head start with the materials and crafted gear. Beside this, you can use it to buy tokens so you can play the game for free basically.

- Improve your wow gear. You don’t need the ultimate pieces of gear because you’ll change it anyway with questing gear during the Legion leveling process, but some better gear will help you level up and run dungeons a bit smoother. With the current state of the game getting some nice pieces of gear is really easy, even if you don’t PvP nor Raid. 

- Prepare your inventory, bank and materials. It’s always nice to have enough room for all the new things so that’s why is nice to sell or throw away everything you don’t need anymore. Also try to upgrade your bags. Usually at the end of an expansion their prices drop and is good to have even more bag space.

Even if we don’t know how the professions will work exactly see what materials are good to have for the new expansion. It is known that professions are going to suffer some big changes, but especially when beta comes out it will be known how to prepare your materials stash. 

- Get the needed heirlooms. Especially if you plan on rolling a new character, the heirlooms will help you a lot. Especially now that they have their own tab and you can level them up. If you want to start a Demon Hunter they won’t help you too much.  

- Prepare the quests. This part should be done right before the expansion launches. You can drop all the quests you don’t want to finish anymore and fill up your quest log with the highest level ones. Daily quests are a gear option. Just grab them and complete them before the release day. After the release, you can hand them in and have a nice experience boost. 

- Unobtainable things and rare WoW items. This is the period when you can farm things that will become unobtainable in the Legion; I don’t know what exactly, but Challenge modes rewards are a safe bet, Also you can go for rare drops like mounts and pets, if you are into something like this;  

- Take a break and save some cash for Legion. Just take a break or just stop raiding for a while. Just do something else, even if you are still in the game. Something completely new to you. If you are raiding, try some PvP (or the other way around), if you never saw some old raid, you can visit it now. 

Overall, we suggest not complete all the tasks to wait for Legion, because that will make you feel tired. Just keep close here for more advice and buy Path of Exile currency to perform well! Buy cheap WoW BOE item with reasonable prices!

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.