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WoW: A Five-Player Group Almost Killed 10-Man Raid

  • 2015-04-03 09:37:28

Kief and his friends, a five-player team almost killed all of the 10 bosses Blacrock Foundry which is the most coveted thing of most players. Now they move on for next new challenges. How about you? Dear friends, are you still trying to complete the challenging?Maybe you can read some guides for these bosses in the previous articles. By the way, it is wise of you to buy WoW items from this reliable site and enjoy a safe delivery!

The team killed 9 out of 10 bosses during their run on normal difficulty, including Blast Furnace, a very hard encounter right before the final boss. And they even managed to down the final boss Blackhand to 15%. The raid has three difficulties: normal, heroic and mythic, and each difficulty scales depending on how many players join the group. This five-person team is awesome. We bet you also want to create the new records too. Why not buy WoW gold with reasonable prices?

There is a video of the 5-man team's Blast Furnace run for proof , and maybe you can find it on youtube or some sites. According to them they had an average item level of 695, which is very high. Just for comparison, you start in Draenor with around 485 and you need 635 to be able to enter Blackrock Foundry. Our top-strong team is committed to getting you WoW gears easily and fast!

There is a pretty neat achievement considering that Blackrock Foundry is not some easy-to-solo old raid and we're not even close to a new expansion, when fun runs like this mostly happen. It's the current top one, only out for a couple of weeks and still only beaten by a few dozen guilds on the hardest, "mythic" difficulty.

Anyway, congratulations to the excellent team! And may your team is the next! We will keep updating here to give you the best guides as well as the latest information! Don’t forget to buy mounts here!

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