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Game Director Discusses Artifact Power Changes Coming in 7.2

  • 2017-02-17 17:36:33

Patch 7.2 will introduce a variety of new content and features to the game. The Flying mounts, Transmogrification system and Artifact power design are worth players’ expecting. On the officially World of Warcraft community site, the game director Watcher mentioned that there will be some adjustments to the AP sets. According to Watcher, more casual players went into Emerald Nightmare with 20 or 21 points in their Artifact, while serious raiders had 24 or 25 points. Although the players putting in a lot of time were more powerful than the players who weren’t, the gap was relatively modest. So are you a casual player or serious player? Raiditem offers you rare wow mounts and wow items at cheap price. And the new Primal Flamesaber mount which can be gained by completing quest for Azeroth in Heroes of the Storm, is also available here!

But when players headed into Nighthold, the difference was extreme: casual players were just climbing over 35 points while serious players were going in with maxed out Artifacts at 54 points. That’s a significant power gap, with those top-tier players being about 10% more powerful.

So what’s next for Artifacts?

In patch 7.2, we’ll be getting Artifact Traits beyond point 34, plus changes to Artifact progression to reduce the overall power gap. We already knew that players with more than 35 points in their Artifact will have AP spent beyond that refunded to spend on new Traits.

Except that, the amount of AP needed to acquire higher-level Traits will be increased to even out that power curve. The numbers haven’t been fine-tuned yet, goal is for players who earns twice as much AP to be 1.5% more powerful, and someone who earns four times as much AP to be 3% more powerful.

Blizzard is also improving AP rewards from high end content, and some of these changes are already live on the PTR. On live, the best way to grind AP is to just run Mythic+ Maw of Souls — a relatively short dungeon — as many times as possible each week. In 7.2, longer dungeons will reward more AP and you’ll get more AP from raiding Nighthold, too. This means that whatever you choose to do in-game should grant you a decent amount of AP for the time spent.

Want to know the details about AP changes ? Head on over to the official site to read the original post. By the way, if you are looking for cheap wow gold, raiditem is the best choice for you! Empower yourself with an abundance of wow gold and wow mounts to take on next quest and gain more reward!

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