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Patch 6.1: Some Changes Coming to Flight Path

  • 2015-01-08 10:55:32

On official forum, the EU Community Takrlus announced that there are some flight path improvement will come in the patch 6.1. The flight master will be able to send you on the most optimal route regardless of what flight paths you've discovered. Find the best site for wow buy jeweled onyx panther! You can not only get updates about World of Warcraft here, but also can buy WoW items you need easily and wisely!

So if you are tired of taking the scenic route because you missed a flight path between you and your destination, this is good news for you. Why not read the original post below from community? And never miss the chance to buy haunted memento at discount prices!

“There are hundreds of flight paths in Draenor. The way it works right now, if you don't know a flight point, the flight master won't use it as a connecting node when you're travelling from point A to point B. If you've missed a few flight points (which is very easy to do), this means certain flight paths are be much less efficient than they could be.

In 6.1, flight masters will use flight points you haven't discovered as connecting points. This will make things much more efficient.”

You can head over to the official site to get details. At the same, we highly recommend you pay attention to the WoW items for sale here.


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