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News About World of Warcraft Movie : Dunncan Jones Says New Characters May Appear

  • 2015-01-05 16:52:08



The director of WoW movie introduced the film’s production team and progress in an interview. He talked about the Chinese actor Daniel Wu who plays the role of Gul’dan. And he also mentioned that the film have some New Characters That Never Appeared in WoW. If you want to know the progression of WoW movie, read the conversation below. And you can also buy WoW items you need from this professional site!

“We are coming to the very end of 2014, and the film has been shot and we are finishing the editing.  There are so many complicated special effects in the movie, that it will take a while longer before the film will be complete. 

The special effects will be very impressive though. They are being done by ILM, who are best known for their work on the Star Wars movies.

Heading up the work are visual effects supervisor Bill Westenhoffer, who won an Oscar for his work with Ang Lee on Life of Pi, and Jeff White at ILM, who made the Hulk such an excellent and believable character in the Avengers movie.

While this work is going on, music composer Ramin Djawadi continues to build up a magnificent score for the film. As we complete our edit, Ramin’s music is being tailored to the cut.  I am very excited.  Day by day our film gets closer to being finished!

Warcraft is scheduled to be released in March of 2016, so we have 14 months to make the film as good as we can!”

Are you expecting for this grand film? Anyway, we hope this film is really worth so long-time waiting. In addition, don’t miss the WoW BOE items for sale here!

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