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WoW Quest Bonus Week Returns: Grind Rep and Unlock Allied Races


This week, quest bonus event is back. It is time for you to grind the reputation to unlock Allied Races. In this week, you will gain a rep boost via completing a certain amount of quests as well as getting the buffs in quests. This is the good time to gain rep and unlock Allied races and prepare for Battle for Azeroth expansion.

What Can You Expect the First Raid in Battle for Azeroth: Uldir?


Uldir is a dark sanctum of secrets which has been locked away for centuries. In the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion, if you want to defeat the final boss: the Blood God G’huun, you have to conquer Uldir.

Battle for Azeroth: War Mode Testing Begins, PvP Changes


In previous post, we have mentioned that War Mode in Battle for Azeroth has begun. War Mode enables PvP talents in the open world and gives better rewards, but subjects the players to attack from the opposite faction.

BfA Beta: Racials and Trinkets Off the GCD Again Soon


According to a forum post in an upcoming beta building, in next week, racial abilities and on-use trinkets and on-use trinkets are going back off the GCD. All the new features in Battle for Azeroth testing buildings are for testing.

BfA Beta: Upcoming New PvP Ranking, Ilevel Systems and More


According to report, we can know that there will be a bunch of new features and things coming to Battle for Azeroth Beta soon, including ew Ranking system, iLevel rewards, exclusive transmog and new quests system. In other Blizzard games, players can get sorted and progressing with their skills and gold.

WoW! Your WoW Gold is Worth 7 Times Valuable Than Venezuela's Cash


As we always say, World of Warcraft gold has a more direct comparison to real-world markets. You can use real money $20 to buy WoW tokens which can be used to sold in WoW Auction house for WoW gold. You can also use WoW gold to buy WoW token and redeem it for $15 on your account, which equals to 1 month of WoW playtime.

Legion Artifact May Appear in Battle for Azeroth


Redditor Sergrand discovered on Battle for Azeroth beta that he cold transmog to Aluneth and it would still talk to them. Artifact weapons that currently have voice lines associated with them will whisper to players as well. No matter you are a Mage, Warlock, or a Priest and you will keep having weapon whisper at you in Battle for Azeroth.

A Brief Intro on Allied Races and BfA Story


According to PCGamesN, the World of Warcraft Production Director John Hight discussed in an interview about Allied Races and How Blizzard created the Battle for Azeroth story which is different from the one in Legion.

What Can You Do Before the Arrival of Battle for Azeroth


The next expansion of World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth is not far away, and it will introduce a bunch of fresh content. Before its arrival, there are some funny activities you can participate into, like fishing, play a new race or class, try new food and more.

Battle for Azeroth: New War Mode Details Unveiled


According to Blizzard Entertainment, a new War mode has been been unveiled. Battle for Azeroth Beta building is introducing some additions that will come in the future expansion. The game designer “Phalanx” has posted some brief info about 4 different aspects of War Mode. The brand-new Bounty Hunter feature is one of the most notable thing in the war mode.

Battle for Azeroth: Battle Pet Philosophies


Developers talked about the changes to Battle pets in Battle for Azeroth Beta, including the new pet currency will be introduced, and new pet Battle mechanics are on the way like Weather effects. Pet Battle World Quests that will scale to the highest level are on the way, and several pets and abilities are receiving nerfs like Haunt.

Blizzard Looks Into Changes to GCD Changes in BfA Beta


In the previous Battle for Azeroth Alpha testing, Blizzard added some changes to the Global Cooldown. However, the World of Warcraft community has been giving feedback about how slow the game feels since the update went live. Now, in the latest developer Q&A, the director dev Ion Hazzikostas are talking about reverting the changes.

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Mythic + Mounts


World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth beta started and Blizzard allows some players to experience some new features in advance as well as get the feedback to increase the game experience. As for the new WoW mounts in Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard has updated a source of multiple mounts.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Changes;Beta Begins


World of Warcraft Alpha now is over and BfA has moved to next stage, Beta testing. Battle for Azeroth will arrive on August 14, and there will some a series of changes and we can tell some change from the finished Alpha testing. In the Alpha Client, Lady Liadrin has received a new armor, and looks similar to the armor she wears in Hearthstone.

Battle for Azeroth Build: 2 Playable Races Open


In the new build for World of Warcraft’s next expansion Battle for Azeroth, two playable races are open, the Dark Iron Dwarves, and the Mag’s Har Orcs, and some new content have been added.

The Heritage Armor Sets in Battle for Azeroth


According to WoWhead, we’ve known that Heritage Armor pieces for the known Allied Races (including Dark Iron Dwarves, Mag’har Orcs, Kul Tiran Humans, and Zandalari Trolls) will be available for us collect when we level our Allied Race Alts in Battle for Azeroth. More details can be found in the following part.

Island Expeditions Make You Fit WoW Raid During Lunch Break


We have already known that the dungeons and raids are played hundreds of times by each player in different World of Warcraft expansions. This August will witness the Battle For Azeroth's coming and expect folk to be pulling all-nighters as they feverishly consume quest content and start pushing towards Raid progression and Mythic-level dungeons.

In-Game Voice Chat Will Return in Battle for Azeroth


Blizzard is planning to bring back in-game voice feature in the next expansion, Battle for Azeroth. The voice chat feature was available in World of Warcraft before, but it has been dead for several expansions. Blizzard released desktop and mobile apps , tying to build up a sense of community.

Changes to the GCD in Battle for Azeroth Alpha Build


According the datamined info on WoWhead, Blizzard has made some changes to GCD (Global Cooldown) in Battle for Azeorth’s latest alpha build. 2 kinds of cooldown time has been added: 0.5 seconds and 1.5 seconds. Besides, they also expanded more abilities on Global Cooldown. You can find more details below.

The Starting Zone PAX East 2018 Interview on Battle for Azeroth


During Pax East 2018, the lead Game producer Daniel Stahl and Lead Encounter Designer Morgan Day talked about the new PVE content and system being added to the upcoming expansion, Battle for Azeroth.


Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.