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Server skills first Jackson strategy

  • 2012-10-03 14:52:00

In the battle, the author first to everyone for their achievements ready to at least two sets of plans. What is the two sets of plan, it is going to get the few skills server first. Two sets of plan means advise you, don't will target is staring at a server first, but to have at least two preparation, the goal is the first two server, the mindset is to win any good, even if be crowned with success.

The author recommended such plan:

A package: fishing + production skills and production skills can be forging/jewelry/inscriptions/engineering, etc.; For the first time won't have a lot of material production, so can side fishing side brush screen collect materials, materials can COD, fishing memorisers then to retain.

B package: first aid + production skills and production skills can be similar, but first aid and fishing different, first aid can use of CTM pieces impact 535, then is grey, behind all need new pieces, so this time strategy is very important. Either open a member to new map brush humanoid strange, play material, at the same time brush screen collect materials; Either will base friend + union support, or have difficulty.

C package: double acquisition + production skills and production skills must be complete and acquisition skills, such as forging/jewelry + mining, gold/inscriptions + herbs, and must be a member acquisition, the main number in the city brush screen/brush the auction house, no conditions of the main number in the city and new map to go back and forth, the efficiency is very low, of course, if the spirits that also can only to go back and forth, but strongly suggest double open, the efficiency is not general fast.

D package: tailor + enchant, this package routines everyone clear, member play cloth, Lord, Lord, brush screen the cloth/accept enchant material/accept the green + brush the auction house, the tailor made to direct decomposition, of course, also can need not tailor, is the material + the green impact enchant, but the income is not much a tailor's insurance.

E package: scalping + leather, this set the most simple, especially scalping, in the new map there are several places have a lot of wild animals, can heartily scalping, remember to avoid elite good, such as 470000 HP elite snake, he killed the tiger or leopard, scalping difficulty is not great, but is very competitive. Leather receiving the possibility of very low, can only rely on their own scalping, because usually leather + scalping twins, even like the author so scalping + engineering, there is also a need to use leather leather number, take out leather unlikely.

For A/B plan speaking, if fishing or emergency failure, will soon turn to the next, don't hesitate, directly into the next skills.

For C/D plan for, even if the first failure, we must adhere to the second bottom go to, hope in the end. CD will focus on receiving, who can get money, who is first, recommend double faction operation oh, often can have unexpected surprise.

E scheme is more headaches, want to rely on their own efforts, need a strong willpower.

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