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Patch 7.2 Will Be Live on PTR Soon

  • 2017-01-20 17:54:59

Last week, patch 7.1.5 just launched! And patch 7.2 will hit the PTR soon, according to Arvaanas. If you are read our previous introduction of new patch, you may know that you will get your first chance at flying in Broken Isles and raid the Tomb of Sargeras raid. More than that, at Blizzcon 2016, the preview contains custom flying mounts for every class, the Armies of Legionfall faction, Artifact updates, Dungeon content and more. So work on your Broken Isles Pathfinder achievement! We recommend you buy wow items and wow gears here if desire to accomplish the challenge faster.

It is reported that patch 7.1.5 was on the PTR for about the 2 month, so patch 7.2 is expected to hit in March. Below, let’s review what is new in patch 7.2.
We don't expect all the content to be available immediately at PTR launch.

Flying is coming back!
- You'll have to complete the Legion Pathfinder achievement, revolving around outdoor gameplay.
- You'll need to reach Exalted with the new Legionfall rep.
- At the end of the Broken Shore experience, every class will get a custom class flying mount!

Class Order Halls continues.

The Tomb of Sargeras
- The Eye of Aman'thul is the fifth pillar of creation that awaits us in the Nighthold and we'll put them to use.
- We'll fight the Avatar of Sargeras and Kil'jaeden.

Restoring and building elven ruins to create a foothold (similar to Isle of Quel'danas Patch 2.4) will be introduced when we'll be building our way up to the Tomb.
- Armies of Legionfall faction is introduced. Alliance & the Horde side to bring down a common foe.

New World Quests
- Legion Assaults (similar to demon invasions):Will disable all world quests in a specific area, the sky will turn dark.
Cathedral of Eternal Night (Dungeon) is coming, available in all difficulties.

PvP Brawls (inspired by brawls in Hearthstone and Overwatch). Adds variations to custom battleground rulesets.
- Southshore vs. Tarrel Mill is back.
- 15 vs 15 player arenas are coming.
- Winter Arathi Basin (Low visibility twist).
- Mounted combat is likely to happen (Ion mentions all players on rats while fighting)

Artifact Updates
- 15 new points to spent to empower your weapon. You can spend a fourth point  in existing trait.
- New gold trait coming.
- New ways to upgrade your weapon
- A new three-pointer.
- Relics that will modify more than one trait will be available.
- There's a continuation  of the questline
- A new hidden appearance for all Artifacts will be added .
Requires proving class trials.
Guardian Druids are getting an awesome looking bear form!

Dungeon Content
- Tomb of Sargeras raid will be added.
- Baseline Heroic/Mythic adjustments (Across the board the difficulty and rewards of existing dungeons will be increased to stay relevant).
- Upper & Lower Karazhan (available in Heroic & Mythic difficultties).
- New affixes (Imagine all mobs being a blood of Il'gynoth).

Legion End Content
- To put an end to the Legion once and for all, we'll have to venture to Argus.
- More details will be announced soon™.

As of now, Nighthold is open, so try your best to make it through. When patch 7.2 arrives, we will update here to ensure that you experience the new features and content in the first place. Surely the new challenges and quests requires your great power and brains. What we can do is to provide the latest news, the useful tips, and cheap wow items including wow gold, wow mounts, wow gears, and power leveling service and much more. Just rest assured to buy what you need in wow game! You deserve the best!

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