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Prepare for Legion: Earn WoW gold and Collect Transmog Items

  • 2016-08-15 16:10:27

World of Warcraft Legion is just about 2 weeks away. You players may have already experienced the new content and changes in pre-patch ahead of the official launch. Some pre-orders are able to play Demon Hunter after the new hero class went live on August 9. To help you get ready for Legion, here we suggest you follow two tips: Earn enough WoW Legion gold and collect your favorite transmog pieces. Read on!

- Earn WoW legion gold: That means you will have a huge amounts of WOW gold when Legion hits. It will be a time-consuming thing to farm a lot of WoW gold in World of Warcraft, though it will enable you to get a headstart on high item level gear very soon after launch. You can buy WoW legion gold from raiditem to enjoy the discounts and extra bonus.

Currently in the Legion Beta, there’s an “Empowered Ring of the Kirin Tor” on sale at the jewelry vendor for the low, low price of 250,000 gold. This ring item level is equivalent of raid gear - somewhere between Normal and Heroic difficulty. Even better is that you can wear this ring from level 101, giving you a stupidly huge boost to your stats at the very beginning of the expansion. As for the icing on the cake, it also gives you another way to teleport to Dalaran every 30 minutes - something you’ll be doing often seeing as it’s the main city hub.

- Collect your favorite transmog items. The Wardrobe is being introduced by Legion. This will house every unique item appearance you’ve collected, allowing you to free up vast amounts of bank and bag space of the pesky things. Blizzard have also said that the Wardrobe will be populated with quest rewards that you’ve done in the past, including items you didn’t pick up from quests that offered multiple rewards.

The Salvage Crates from your Garrison can be a great source of unique and rare transmogs; if you have hundreds of these saved up, do remember that the follower armaments you get out of them will be vastly reduced in value come patch 7.0 - selling for only a few of copper. Also, you’ll need to manually equip any ‘bind on equip’ items from these crates to add them to your wardrobe, so you could be spending hours of your time if you have tons of them saved up.

Until patch 7.0 is released, we recommend installing a handy transmog addon called MogIt, which lets you browse just about every item in the game, as well as letting you create, preview and save custom transmog sets.

If you are not a pre-purchaser and have no access to Legion, you will still get a chance to replay the highlights of event by visiting special archivists in the city of Dalaran who will be able to show you key scenes from the events of this next 2 few weeks. For those who are eagerly waiting for the  world event to arrive, just pay attention to info and news about wow we added here.

Here we highly recommend you buy WoW gold and WoW mounts from the most professional website,! Our team is delicate to offering you a huge range of WoW goods, the definitely competitive price, speedy delivery and excellent customer service. By the way, WoW Legion gold and WoW Legion mounts are coming soon! Stay tuned!

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.