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Legion Pre-launch : Demon Hunters, Broken Shore, and Invasions Begin

  • 2016-08-11 11:49:22

On August 9, Demon Hunters, Broken Shore, and Invasions are all available on World of Warcraft’s servers. If you’ve pre-ordered Legion on, you are able to play all these features. The upcoming expansion will arrive on August 30, and have you prepared well for it? Here you can purchase WOW gold and WOW mounts at the most competitive price. Fast and safe delivery is guaranteed.

The premise that you can play as a Demon Hunter is that you need to have a character of level 70. Pre-ordering Legion offers you a boost for any character to level 100, allowing you to bypass the requirement with ease. Once that requirement is met, you simply need to return to the character select screen and create your new Demon Hunter. It is worth noting that this requirement must be met on every realm you wish to play Demon Hunter. This means that if you have friends on several different realms with whom you would like to play Demon Hunter with, you'll need a level 70 on each of those realms.

The requirement for the quest leading you to Broken Shore is that you need to play a character of at least level 98. This is, once again, not a problem for players who have pre-purchased Legion and used their free level 100 character boost. However, it is worth noting that freshly created Demon Hunters will not participate in this part of the event. Demon Hunters will receive their own story and quests to teach them about their character and get caught up on the events transpiring at the beginning of Legion.

There is a way for even low level players and players who have not pre-purchased Legion to participate in the fun. Demon Invasions have begun popping up all over World of Warcraft. These invasions are available to everyone who is at least level 10, however it is recommended you be at least level 70. You can find the invasions in the following zones around Azeroth: Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris, and Westfall.

 Demon Hunters, Broken Shore, and Invasions all go live on Legion pre-patch. Are you one of those who have access to these features and experience the new content? Here we will provide you with the latest information about the new expansion. In addition, you are able to find a huge range of WOW items including WOW gold, WOW mounts, Leveling service, wow weapons and much more. Our top team guarantees to provides you with the best service and safe delivery!

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Next : World of Warcraft Legion: New Features and Improvements Introduced



Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.