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World of Warcraft Legion: Reset Timer Changes in Pre-Patch

  • 2016-07-05 18:05:27

Previous post introduces you some major in the new pre-patch legion. Here, you are going to get some details about reset timers changes in pre-patch. Daily and weekly quests, heroic and mythic dungeons and raids will have a single unified lockout time during pre-patch. Currently, daily quests and dungeons have separate time. Soon, the new changes will hit legion pre-patch, and you will need to remember a single lockout time, according to the community manager Aerythlea. Is it good news for you? Moreover, you can buy WOW gold and WOW mounts cheap at raiditem to upgrade your character!  

Here is the original post from Aerythlea:
 “As of the pre-patch for Legion, reset timers for recurring in-game activities such as daily/weekly quests and raid/dungeon lockouts will be updated to a single unified lockout time of 07:00:00 UTC for all European realms. This change will make it more convenient for players, as you will only need to keep track of one reset time. Weekly resets will occur on Wednesdays at this time.”
Another post from Community manager Nethaera revealed that lockout will be at 15:00:00 UTC (8 a.m. PDT / 1 a.m. AEST) for all North American, Latin American, and Oceanic realms, while weekly resets will occur on Tuesdays (early Wednesday mornings for Oceanic realms) at this time.

Below you will find the original post from Nethaera:

 “With Legion on the horizon, we wanted to let you know of an upcoming change that will open up additional grouping opportunities for players. As of the expansion pre-patch, players on North American, Latin American, and Oceanic realms will be able to group together in the open world no matter what realm their party or raid members are on. Players will also be able to see all available groups within the Group Finder, regardless of realm. This update will make it easier than ever for people to play together and group up for adventures like the new World Quests in Legion.

Additionally, reset timers for recurring in-game activities such as daily/weekly quests and raid/dungeon lockouts will be updated to a single unified lockout time of 15:00:00 UTC (8 a.m. PDT / 1 a.m. AEST) for all North American, Latin American, and Oceanic realms. This change will make it more convenient for players, as you will only need to keep track of one reset time. Weekly resets will occur on Tuesdays (early Wednesday mornings for Oceanic realms) at this time.”

So what do you think of these reset timer changes in pre-patch? This will enable you to start doing your numerous dailys/transmog and mount runs earlier. Anyway, more updates will be added here, so keep close! What’s more, we suggest you purchase WOW gold, WOW leveling, Raid service and other in-game currency like RS gold at raiditem, the most professional WOW products seller! Lowest prices and instant delivery are guaranteed!

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