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WOW: Battleground Bonus Event is In Progress

  • 2016-06-30 15:30:55

According to, battleground bonus event (June 9- July 4) is underway. This event  will help you gain constant +200% boost to your honor in this week. To take advantage of the event and gear up, just complete the quests and obtain rewards. If you want to enhance your power fast in no time, buy wow gold from raiditem, the most reputable site,!

Make sure you've picked up the event quest: A Call to Battle. This will reward you with 500 Conquest Points and 500 Valor if you win four battlegrounds. It will allow you to earn triple the normal amount of honor in battlegrounds this week. 

If gear is your primary concern, make sure you eliminate the slower battlegrounds, such as Strand of the Ancients, in order to make sure you get through as many as possible. Always remember to queue for the random battleground, since you are able to get extra rewards upon winning, such as Gold Strongbox.

Do worry about where to spend your hard-earned honor points, the vendors are located in your faction-relevant Ashran bases. Your honor will buy you item level 700 gear, which is raised to 730 in PvP combat, and your conquest will buy you item level 710 gear, which is raised to 740.

Hope you find the most rewards in battlegrounds! More detailed information about World of Warcraft events can be found on Of course, you can keep close here for news released on both official post and forum. Besides, you could buy WoW gold, WOW raid service, wow mounts, wow power leveling and other products you need to help you progress smoother. We guarantee to provide you with the lowest prices, instant delivery, and top service!

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