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WoW: Blizzard Introduces Two Heroes for Fall 2015 Beta

  • 2015-03-10 16:26:22

Blizzard announced two new Heroes, a new and committed to a fall 2015 beta for Overwatch at PAX East this morning. If you want to know the detailed information about two heroes, read the brief introduction below or head over the official site! By the way, you can buy GW2 gold here, we are providing you with a wide range of WoW items with discount prices and fast delivery!

McCree - a gunslinging cowboy character with a powerful six-shooter. His belt says it all - he's a BAMF. His powerful ultimate ability allows him to hone in on any targets in his field of view, killing all of them that he can focus on instantly with a deadly multi-shot attack.

Zarya - a woman who wanted to be a professional weightlifter, but put aside her personal goals to take up a particle cannon in defense of humanity. Jeff Kaplan spoke at some length about the importance of bringing more variety in characterization, particularly in body type, to their games, and Zarya is a significant step for them in that regard. This is a reliable site for you to buy GW2 gold online!

The new map is a Payload map called Watchpoint: Gibraltar, and starts to introduce some of the story of the Overwatch universe. Winston's laboratory and other content on the map help share some of the details of why Overwatch was shut down, how it's attempting to reform, etc. If you want want to get WoW gears, don’t hesitate to choose our site!

A formal commitment to a fall 2015 beta was also announced, with beta signups continuing to be accepted. You can sign up to participate in the beta test on the Overwatch website.

The playable demo available at PAX East included the new content announced, and both characters felt relevant and meaningfully different from existing player archetype options. It runs very smoothly, and the move into a beta later this year doesn't seem unrealistic at all.

We will keep updating here with more info and strategy guides. Please keep close! What’s more, you can rest assured to buy WoW items and buy Guild Wars 2 gold here!

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