WoW Cooking Leveling Guide 1 - 800

cookingThis Cooking leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Cooking skill from 1 to 800.

Updated for Legion patch 7.0.3

Legion altered the process of leveling cooking. Cooking skill does not limit which Legion recipes are available. The number of dishes produced by each cook varies with recipe ranks.

If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold.

If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. You can level your character to level 110 in 8 days with this guide.


The recipes used here require at least level 85 and access to the continent of Pandaria. If your level is not high enough, you can visit my older cooking leveling guide, but what I recommend is just to wait until you reach level 85. It's really easy to level cooking to 520 with this new method. It takes about 20 minutes, while with the older method it would take hours and even days because you need to do daily quests to get the recipes.

Level 90 players should start with going to Draenor and kill mobs until you get [The Joy of Draenor Cooking]. (first, you have to learn cooking from a trainer)

Go to the Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds and talk to Sungshin Ironpaw.

Every recipe you will learn grant 5 skillups per craft up to 525 as long as they're orange. A few of the recipes require [Golden Carp], which can be fished from any water in Pandaria. Just learn fishing and fish in any water in Pandaria, you will catch one every single time. You will also need two [Wildfowl Breast], it's dropped by Glade Sprinters near Halfhill Market.

1. Learn a recipe.
2. Buy the ingredients from Sungshin Ironpaw.
3. Make the recipe until it turns yellow.
4. Learn new recipe.
5. Repeat this until you reach 526.

Don't forget to learn the new ranks of cooking at 50, 125, 275, 350 and at 425! If you already have [The Joy of Draenor Cooking] then you don't have to learn new ranks.

Learning the new ranks and the recipes will cost around 340 gold.

As I mentioned before, there are parts where you need some [Golden Carp](42 in total). You can fish Golden Carp with fishing skill 1 in any water in Pandaria. But, you can also make [Grilled Saberfish] or [Saberfish Broth] if you already learned [The Joy of Draenor Cooking].

526 - 675

Note: At this point you can jump to the Legion part, but using Draenor recipes up to 675 is usually cheaper, unless you can't find draenor fish/meat at the Auction House.

This part requires level 90.

Go to Draenor and kill mobs until you get [The Joy of Draenor Cooking]. Use the scroll, and you will learn the following two recipes:

From this point, you can only learn additional recipes as you either cook or taste Warlords of Draenor food.

  • 600 - 650

    The recipes you probably discovered in the previous step are:

    As you can see, I grouped the recipes together based on secondary stat gain. All of them have two version, one you can cook with fish, and one with meat. It's important to make recipes from the same secondary stat group because you will use these recipes in the next step.

    You probably didn't discover all of them from making the previous dish. But, the important thing is to have at least two recipes that gives the same secondary stat buff. If you don't have two from the same group, you can simply make more [Grilled Saberfish] until you discover the recipe you need. You can also just ask a friend to make one stack from the needed recipe and taste the recipe until you learn it. Or, you can buy one stack from the auction house.

    When discovering recipes from tasting the dishes, you don't need to eat these dishes for the whole duration. If you discover one, you will discover it as soon as you start eating it, so you can just spam eating the dish.

    Make 5-5 from any of these recipe pairs. You will need 50 fish and 25 meat for this part.

  • 650 - 675

    These are the recipes below that you can disover from making the previous dishes:

    Two dish recipes:

    [Blackrock Barbecue] - 5 x Blackrock Ham, 5 x Grilled Gulper, 1 x Fireweed - Critical Strike
    [Calamari Crepes] - 5 x Rylak Crepes, 5 x Fiery Calamari, 1 x Nagrand Arrowbloom - Multistrike
    [Frosty Stew] - 5 x Pan-Seared Talbuk, 5 x Sturgeon Stew, 1 x Frostweed - Haste
    [Gorgrond Chowder] - 5 x Clefthoof Sausages, 5 x Skulker Chowder, 1 x Gorgrond Flytrap - Versatility
    [Sleeper Surprise] - 5 x Braised Riverbeast, 5 x Fat Sleeper Cakes, 1 x Starflower - Mastery
    [Talador Surf and Turf] - 5 x Hearty Elekk Steak, 5 x Steamed Scorpion, 1 x Talador Orchid - Stamina

    Make 5 from any of the two dish recipes. It will require the recipes you made previously and 5 from one of the Draenor herbs.

675 - 800

This part requires level 100.

Recipe ranks

Every Legion cooking recipe have 3 ranks. Higher rank recipes allow you to cook more food for the same materials, and higher rank recipes also give skill points much longer. (the exceptions are the new Feast recipes, you always make one, but it will cost fewer materials)

If you hover over the little stars in your spellbook, you can see the source of the next rank for the selected recipe.

Cooking Research

The best cooking recipes and every rank 2 and rank 3 recipes are unlocked by doing research at Nomi's test kitchen at Dalaran.

To unlock the cooking research, you have to find a cooking recipe in the world, then Nomi will spawn near you, and offer you a quest: quest_startToo Many Cooks - Horde / quest_startThe Prodigal Sous Chef - Alliance. (If you don't have any new legion recipe yet, and Nomi haven't offered you the quest, then you can get one of the recipes below)

The follow up quest is quest_startA Good Recipe List. You must learn 6 Legion Cooking recipes. Sometimes it doesn't count your cooking recipes correctly, but a quick logout should fix it.

These 6 recipes are the easiest to get:

You are now able to start Work Orders for any type of Legion meat or fish you have in your bags. Each Work Order takes 4 hours. Creating a Work Order with a specific ingredients has a chance to teach you a recipe that uses that ingredient.

Getting new recipes from the research is not 100%. There is a high chance you will get inv_misc_dust[Badly Burnt Food].

  • 675-700
    25 x inv_misc_food_legion_saltpeppershank[Rank 1 - Salt and Pepper Shank] - 125 x inv_misc_food_legion_leanshank[Lean Shank], 250 x Flaked Sea Salt, 250 x Dalapeno Pepper

    You can buy the Flaked Sea Salt and the Dalapeno Pepper from the vendor near your cooking trainer at Dalaran.

    I recommend this recipe because Lean Shank is usually the cheapest meat. But you can use any other recipe you have if you can find cheaper materials for those. inv_misc_food_legion_driedmackerelstrips[Dried Mackerel Strips] and inv_misc_food_legion_beartartare[Bear Tartare] can be good alternative.

I hope you liked this Cooking guide, congratulations to 800!

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