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Build Strong Team and Utilize Proper Equipment in Patch 7.3!

  • 2017-10-12 15:59:27
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In World of Warcraft patch 7.3, how should gamers choose the proper followers? There are always weapons and other useful things upgraded with the story's going forward. Apart from the general items like wow gold and wow mounts, you are sure to get practical equipment guides on Raiditem. With the right tips to choose what you need, you will save both time and money!

Recently, the Chamber has pushed series of good reviews for you to choose follower and equipment. Generally speaking, the task requires 222+value. Taking the special tasks and resources in Argus, the character playable is a little different from patch 7.2.5.

On one hand, the super soldiers in Argus usually enjoys high price so that you may loss a lot by getting the soldiers. Then, how to recover is also a serious problem.

On the other hand, the setting of some data in game seems arguable. The followers' skills become less important because of major character's over strong fire.

Team Building:
The advisable using comrade-in-arms:
1, Leightson's military pro-once was amazing, but it is no longer as powerful as before. Yo can abandon it for most occassions.
2. Soul Stone should be added to super soldiers. The effect that Soul Stone create will equate to 450 resources.
3, The card can be seen as the most important item in game. It help to reduce the time of doing quest. Theoretically speaking, you can make your tasks done under 8 hours.

Equipment Choice:
At the very beginning of starting tasks, it is uncessary to set the best weapons or other tools. While reaching to the 950+, you'd better low down you speed. You can't expect the task is finished so fast in this period.

Now we comes to the success rate calculation: leader response can increase 65% rate. Skill applicated can make the rate increase by 75%.

In Shadow of Argus, it is enough that followers provide 60% success of rate. And if you are doing tasks in other areas, 50% skills can promise the victory.

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