Orb of Deception is a toy in World of Warcraft used to change the model of the player's avatar into a model of one of the races belonging to the other faction.
It can change model to relative race and gender, and efficiently change gender after the transform.
Orb of Deception is a world drop which can be bound when used. The valuable item is available in the '60 s. Experiencing so many version, it also popular. Try to image the feeling of changing to a Tauren from a Gnome! It is convenient for players who love his faction but also envy the races in opposite faction. At the same time, it's an excellent disguise to transform to the opposite faction. But remember, this is only a disguise, it will be very dangerous if the opposing discovered.
Orb of Deception now lets the character retain features like armor that's worn when transforming in Legion Pre-Launch.
There are more and more transform toys in WOW that similar to Orb of Deception. Some are World Drop, Quest Reward, or Achievement Reward. Match with these transform items, there may have a special effect. Do you want to feel it? Come to try!
Gnome Male<.>Tauren Male
Gnome Female<.>Tauren Female
Human Male<.>Orc Male
Human Female<.>Orc Female
Night Elf Male<.>Undead Male
Night Elf Female<.>Undead Female
Dwarf Male<.>Troll Male
Dwarf Female<.>Troll Female
Blood Elf Male<.>Draenei Male
Blood Elf Female <.> Draenei Female